
How Privacy Works on Facebook's New Graph Search

If you have logged into Facebook recently, you'll notice that something has changed. That something is called "Graph Search", which is Facebook's new way of helping you find people who share your interests; explore your world through photos; and discover restaurants, music, and more. While Graph Search was initially limited in its release, it's now been pushed out to all users.

With the release of Graph Search also comes additional privacy choices parents and teens need to be aware of.  Facebook has published an overview of Graph Search and the features as well as a dedicated section about privacy on Graph Search.  The page, "3 Tips About Search Privacy" will help you learn more about graph search and what settings options you have to keep your information private.  

Facebook's privacy team has also developed a quick video tour for Graph Search on their YouTube Channel (embedded below).  Parents should consider watching the brief YouTube video or visiting the privacy page to get a better understanding of how privacy controls have changed with the introduction of Graph Search.