Using Email in a Christian Way
Email is a wonderful way to keep in touch with family
and friends. However, the words that we use in an
email can sometimes be deeply hurtful. In his
letter to the Church in Ephesus, St. Paul gives us a
guideline on how we should use digital communication:
"No foul language should come out of your mouths, but
only such as is good for needed edification, that it
may impart grace to those who hear."[1]
As Christians, we have an awesome responsibility to use the power of email to edify each other and use words and manners that are consistent with the Gospel. So, before firing off an email always ask yourself: Does this email and the words I used reflect the best virtues of my faith? If this email were to be forwarded, does it contain gossip, slander, or anything that I would be ashamed about afterwards? Does this email use humor or sarcasm that a reader could miss and misconstrue? Could my email be misunderstood? Is email the best way to communicate on this issue or is a phone call or personal visit a better method to avoid any misunderstanding? Through simple steps like these, we can use the power of digital communications to edify each other for God's glory.