6 Adult Dating Apps Teens Are Using Too

Learn more about the made-for-grown-ups apps that are easily accessible and increasingly trendy with teens.
Unless you're single, you might not be familiar with dating apps such as Tinder, where users can quickly swipe through prospective dates. But it's likely your teen knows all about these apps -- even though they're mostly designed for adults. According to the company's own estimates, about 7 percent of Tinder's users are age 13 to 17.
Although adults use these apps both for casual hookups and for scouting out more long-term relationships, they're risky for teens. For starters, although many of the apps aren't intended for them, it's easy for savvy teens to get around registration-related age restrictions. Secondly, adults can pose as teens and vice versa. Location-sharing increases the potential for a real-life meeting; less dangerous but still troubling is the heavy emphasis on looks as a basis for judgment.